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Welcome to the IT Professionals World Wide Network.

With the exception of quarterly or annual events, the opportunities to develop and grow through networking are limited for a large number of IT professionals. This Ryze network enables us to change that. The purpose of this network is to provide a place where IT professionals all around the globe can regularly ask questions and share career developing experiences. Here are just a few of the benefits:

* Get answers to your IT career questions when you need them
* Share your experiences
* Find mentors
* Become a mentor
* Find coaches
* Find people to coach
* Find teachers, and
* Find people to teach

In summary, this is an opportunity to grow and learn through the collective ideas of all the members of the network as well as taking your turns as teachers and students. Its the ultimate opportunity to Ryze to the occasion.

With warmest regards,
Joe Santana,
Network Leader

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